Bugs / Crashes.

Freddy Martinez freddymartinez9 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 17:17:21 GMT 2007

People, I am a student in my fourth semester of college and as such am a
very busy person with classes, projects, meetings, socializing and
everything else. As much as I love doing work on Ubuntu, I just don't have
as much time as I'd wish. Now, why does this matter to the team? Well
because I don't want to spend my time working on bug reports that aren't
bugs. We get many, many crash reports in our inboxes about crashes at
website X or with plugin Y. Frankly, we can barely keep up with these bug
reports as is and I think our resources are being squandered. That being
said, I will begin being a little harder on these crash reports, mostly
because I want to do things related to crashes.

That being said, I have changed
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Triage/Responses and perhaps we can
discuss this further at the meeting. Which brings me to my second reason for
email [it wasn't all me ranting :) ], when did you decide the meeting would
be David?

Let me know.
Freddy Martinez
Kubuntu. GNU / Linux for human beings.
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