
David Farning dfarning at
Mon Feb 26 20:05:49 GMT 2007

On Sun, 2007-02-25 at 14:47 +0100, Alexander Sack wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 02:53:01PM -0600, David Farning wrote:
> > Hey all
> > 
> > Another request for feedback.
> > 
> > Before I take another run at the membership document I thought the I
> > would flesh out some of my thought and get your feedback.
> > 
> > I am not thinking of the member requirements as arbitrary hoops that
> > people jump through before joining--just to keep Mozillateam elite.
> > 
> > Rather I am thinking of them as a level of quality assurance.
> Ack. And in the end, people can always contribute even without being
> mozillateam members. There are currently no technically enforced
> privileges attached to be in team list (though this might change in
> future - e.g. privileges to upload to preview archives). So people can
> do almost any job without being added to the team list.

I agree, but we must keep in mind that you and John are a experienced
developers and I am a cranky old man.  The people that we need to appeal
to are the Freddys, Alexs, and Hilarios of the world.  The guys who get
it, but are new to the community;)

> But I just want to remember that speaking on behalf of the team is
> always a dangerous thing to do and needs extra care.
> Usually just say its your personal opinion as a team member. If you
> are confident that other will agree you could even state so ... but if
> they don't then it's you who has the loss of face :).

This is the summary of the general disclaimer that I inclued on all

I stress that I am a community member thus don't have the ability to
make commitments on behalf of Ubuntu.

I made it clear that as a community guy, I am approaching the issue from
the perspective of working on relationships in general.

> For the merits and image of the team, I would say that things will
> evolve based on what we achieve. If we manage to provide high quality
> software with top-support for end-users and downstream distributors
> combined with a good upstream work, then things will work out as
> expected. If we fail ... 
>  - Alexander
David Farning <dfarning at>

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