David Farning
dfarning at
Fri Feb 23 20:53:01 GMT 2007
Hey all
Another request for feedback.
Before I take another run at the membership document I thought the I
would flesh out some of my thought and get your feedback.
I am not thinking of the member requirements as arbitrary hoops that
people jump through before joining--just to keep Mozillateam elite.
Rather I am thinking of them as a level of quality assurance.
At this point we are pretty small. Based on what I have seen lately, we
are going to grow quite well. Currently, Asac (or whoever the lead
developer is at the time) can interact with everyone. As time goes on
and we have more members, the lead developers time and interactions will
be more limited.
Many of the packages we are working with are very visible in Ubuntu. As
such, I would like to insure that the quality is as high as possible. I
am thinking of members as trusted lieutenants who have proved
Every time I talk to anyone outside of the team, I have to spend a fair
amount of time proving to them that I am not talking out of my rear end.
I would like to establish a team reputaion were any member ccan talk and
be reconized as speaking on behalf of the team.
I would like anyone to feel free to particapate in the team, but still
have membership mean something.
David Farning <dfarning at>
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