Recieving patches from downstream

Alexander Sack asac at
Thu Feb 22 22:32:29 GMT 2007

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 03:48:25PM -0600, David Farning wrote:
> Hey all,
> I was wondering if you feel you are ready to start receiving patches
> from downstream.
> [Lin|Free]spire is eager to start pushing patches to us for our review.
> >From there we can decide if they are useful enough to be pushed
> upstream, useful enough to add to the ubuntu code base, or referred back
> downstream for them to carry on their own.
> I was anticipating the release of feisty for our patch cleanup.  Would
> you be interested in taking some now just to start thinking about the
> process?  

Say them, they may do so. Just file a bug, attach patch, set to
needs-info mt-confirm. I will review and tell them whats next or if I
need more initial info in order to get upstrewam approval.

However, for feisty we can only take - if any - the most important

 - Alexander

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