Mini Classes

David Farning dfarning at
Tue Feb 20 04:52:04 GMT 2007

Over the next few weeks I would like to set up some informal mini
classes on technical issues.

Through our discussions while developing the /bugstates and /bugprocess
wiki pages we are all becoming pretty familiar will bug triaging.

Asac gave GnomeFreak a good introduction to packaging fx the other day.
I would like to see us coordinate these sessions so that a few more of
us can be present for them.

Asac, would mind setting up a session about once a week or so.  It will
be a bit time consuming for you at first.   Once you have show us how to
do something, your involvement with the process will be reviewer.  This
should free you up to figure out the other hard stuff.

David Farning <dfarning at>

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