how to handle debbugs

Alexander Sack asac at
Wed Feb 14 01:08:19 GMT 2007

On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 02:22:22PM -0600, David Farning wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 23:29 -0500, Jun Wang wrote:
> > Alexander,
> > Per our conversation on IRC channel, I  was working on
> >
> > giving that we no longer use debian as upstream. What is the status of
> > this bug? Is it fixed in mozilla? How do we clean up this kind of bugs
> > in general?
> > Thanks
> > --Jun Wang
> Alexander,
> Could you respond to this issue?  I am also not sure how we are going to
> handle packaging without debian being directly up stream.

I answered this:

    This specific bug is fixed, because we don't need
    update-mozilla-thunderbird-chrome since 1.5 anymore. In general we
    should try to keep debian references that we have, but don't add
    new ones. If we see that debian references to a valid upstream url, we
    can switch our debbugs reference to the proper mozilla one.
    Hope that answers your question.

To come up with a more general rule for how to do the proper
transition from debian to bugzilla bugs I would suggest the following
two cases:

 - bugs that have a debbugs reference that already contains a mozilla
   upstream bug can be transitioned (e.g. just change upstream bug
   referenced) without anything special to take care of.

 - however, if there is not a mozilla bug associated with the debbug
   yet, keep the debbug reference until we have a proper bugzilla id
   for it. Then properly submit the bugzilla id to the debian report
   *before* we decouple our bug from the debian one by changing
   upstream hint to bugzilla id.


 - Alexander

p.s. still not subscribed :-/ .. sorry, please CC.

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