Dealing with crash reports

David Farning dfarning at
Sat Feb 10 17:22:31 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-02-10 at 11:03 -0500, John Vivirito wrote:
> As it stands me and another member of the team are running retraces on
> bugs. seems to be going fairly well. there are some bugs that we dont
> have -dbg packages for. there are -dbgsym packages for alot of them but
> pitti already knows about the repo needing updating. we do need -dbgsym
> for edgy and thunderbird also i ran a few retraces on TB and they are a
> bit slim with symbols.Running apport-retrace -d will not work on firefox
> bugs because of the lack of dbgsym. right now the only way to do it is
> apport-retrace <file> that i found usful. once retrace is done i cat
> file | less and look to see if everything is there and than i upload the
> stacktrace and sometimes the threadstacktrace when i have one. Pitti is
> also aware of errors we get on firefox bugs. when we retrace it and
> removes everything after stacktrace.
> - --
> Thanks,
> GnomeFreak

Sorry for the belated questions.  I'm still going through the IRC logs
for last week. (how cool are they)

Are you tagging the results somehow?  I would like to start looking
through them.

Do you have a list of which -dbg packages are missing?  I'll contact the
package maintainers and request that they include -dbg packages in
current +1.

David Farning <dfarning at>
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