[Bug 1583849] Re: Firefox > 44 is broken on all big-endian architectures
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1583849 at bugs.launchpad.net
Thu Dec 19 11:38:34 UTC 2019
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On 2016-05-03T07:56:04+00:00 Martin Husemann wrote:
Probably same or similar underlying issue as bug 986328, I see flashing
display and lots of "crash reporter logs":
Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1]: Unknown image format
0 (t=4.86961)|[25246][GFX1]: Unknown image format 0
coming from:
#6 mozilla::gfx::GfxFormatToCairoFormat (format=format at entry=mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/2d/HelpersCairo.h:163
#7 0xfffffffff3751e84 in GfxFormatToCairoFormat (format=mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/2d/HelpersCairo.h:152
#8 mozilla::gfx::CreateSubImageForData (aData=<optimized out>, aRect=..., aStride=<optimized out>, aFormat=<optimized out>)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/2d/DrawTargetCairo.cpp:283
#9 0xfffffffff37521fc in mozilla::gfx::GetCairoSurfaceForSourceSurface (aSurface=<optimized out>, aExistingOnly=aExistingOnly at entry=false,
aSubImage=...) at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/2d/DrawTargetCairo.cpp:384
#10 0xfffffffff3752684 in mozilla::gfx::GfxPatternToCairoPattern (aPattern=..., aAlpha=<optimized out>, aTransform=...)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/2d/DrawTargetCairo.cpp:507
#11 0xfffffffff3752efc in mozilla::gfx::DrawTargetCairo::DrawPattern (this=this at entry=0xffffffffdc662520, aPattern=..., aStrokeOptions=...,
aOptions=..., aDrawType=aDrawType at entry=mozilla::gfx::DrawTargetCairo::DRAW_FILL, aPathBoundsClip=<optimized out>)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/2d/DrawTargetCairo.cpp:961
#12 0xfffffffff3754d74 in mozilla::gfx::DrawTargetCairo::FillRect (this=0xffffffffdc662520, aRect=..., aPattern=..., aOptions=...)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/2d/DrawTargetCairo.cpp:1057
#13 0xfffffffff387c000 in gfxSurfaceDrawable::DrawInternal (this=this at entry=0xffffffffdda47100, aDrawTarget=aDrawTarget at entry=0xffffffffdc662520,
aOp=aOp at entry=mozilla::gfx::CompositionOp::OP_OVER, aAntialiasMode=<optimized out>, aFillRect=..., aSamplingRect=..., aExtendMode=<optimized out>,
aFilter=<optimized out>, aOpacity=<optimized out>, aTransform=...) at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/thebes/gfxDrawable.cpp:106
#14 0xfffffffff387c23c in gfxSurfaceDrawable::Draw (this=this at entry=0xffffffffdda47100, aContext=aContext at entry=0xffffffffdc776e80, aFillRect=...,
aExtendMode=aExtendMode at entry=mozilla::gfx::ExtendMode::CLAMP, aFilter=@0xffffffffffff81a8: mozilla::gfx::Filter::GOOD, aOpacity=<optimized out>,
aTransform=...) at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/thebes/gfxDrawable.cpp:77
#15 0xfffffffff38da684 in gfxUtils::DrawPixelSnapped (aContext=aContext at entry=0xffffffffdc776e80, aDrawable=<optimized out>, aImageSize=...,
aRegion=..., aFormat=<optimized out>, aFilter=aFilter at entry=mozilla::gfx::Filter::GOOD, aImageFlags=<optimized out>, aOpacity=1)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/gfx/thebes/gfxUtils.cpp:694
#16 0xfffffffff3910c7c in mozilla::image::imgFrame::Draw (this=0xffffffffe6f36480, aContext=aContext at entry=0xffffffffdc776e80, aRegion=...,
aFilter=aFilter at entry=mozilla::gfx::Filter::GOOD, aImageFlags=aImageFlags at entry=96)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/image/imgFrame.cpp:605
#17 0xfffffffff38eca9c in mozilla::image::RasterImage::DrawInternal(mozilla::image::DrawableFrameRef&&, gfxContext*, mozilla::gfx::IntSizeTyped<mozilla::gfx::UnknownUnits> const&, mozilla::image::ImageRegion const&, mozilla::gfx::Filter, unsigned int) (this=this at entry=0xffffffffdda42320,
aFrameRef=aFrameRef at entry=<unknown type in /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/build/dist/bin/libxul.so, CU 0x767b279, DIE 0x7715d42>,
aContext=aContext at entry=0xffffffffdc776e80, aSize=..., aRegion=..., aFilter=aFilter at entry=mozilla::gfx::Filter::GOOD, aFlags=96)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/image/RasterImage.cpp:1460
#18 0xfffffffff38ecc34 in mozilla::image::RasterImage::Draw (this=0xffffffffdda42320, aContext=0xffffffffdc776e80, aSize=..., aRegion=...,
aWhichFrame=<optimized out>, aFilter=<optimized out>, aFlags=96) at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/image/RasterImage.cpp:1526
#19 0xfffffffff4bd1f54 in DrawImageInternal (aContext=..., aPresContext=aPresContext at entry=0xffffffffe09ac800, aImage=0xffffffffdda42320,
aGraphicsFilter=aGraphicsFilter at entry=mozilla::gfx::Filter::GOOD, aDest=..., aFill=..., aAnchor=..., aDirty=..., aSVGContext=0x0, aImageFlags=96,
aExtendMode=mozilla::gfx::ExtendMode::CLAMP) at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/layout/base/nsLayoutUtils.cpp:6467
#20 0xfffffffff4bd2dfc in nsLayoutUtils::DrawSingleImage (aContext=..., aPresContext=aPresContext at entry=0xffffffffe09ac800,
aImage=aImage at entry=0xffffffffdda42320, aGraphicsFilter=<optimized out>, aDest=..., aDirty=..., aSVGContext=0x0, aImageFlags=64, aAnchorPoint=0x0,
aSourceArea=0x0) at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/layout/base/nsLayoutUtils.cpp:6571
#21 0xfffffffff4d4d1bc in nsImageBoxFrame::PaintImage (this=0xffffffffdd9cdc78, aRenderingContext=..., aDirtyRect=..., aPt=..., aFlags=<optimized out>)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/layout/xul/nsImageBoxFrame.cpp:397
#22 0xfffffffff4d4d360 in nsDisplayXULImage::Paint (this=0xffffffffdc7f2b28, aBuilder=0xffffffffffff9a08, aCtx=0xffffffffffff8ed0)
at /usr/pkgobj/www/firefox/work/firefox-46.0/layout/xul/nsImageBoxFrame.cpp:410
which looks like:
static inline cairo_format_t
GfxFormatToCairoFormat(SurfaceFormat format)
switch (format)
case SurfaceFormat::A8R8G8B8_UINT32:
case SurfaceFormat::X8R8G8B8_UINT32:
case SurfaceFormat::A8:
case SurfaceFormat::R5G6B5_UINT16:
return CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB16_565;
gfxCriticalError() << "Unknown image format " << (int)format;
I'd be happy to create/test patches, but I do not understand the "big
picture" right now - what is supposed to happen where?
Reply at:
On 2016-05-03T09:42:28+00:00 Martin Husemann wrote:
Note that with commmenting out the gfxCriticalError() in this function
and in the next, like:
static inline cairo_content_t
GfxFormatToCairoContent(SurfaceFormat format)
switch (format)
case SurfaceFormat::A8R8G8B8_UINT32:
case SurfaceFormat::X8R8G8B8_UINT32:
case SurfaceFormat::R5G6B5_UINT16: //fall through
case SurfaceFormat::A8:
// gfxCriticalError() << "Unknown image content format " << (int)format;
makes it mostly work, only a full clienat area black flash every now and
Reply at:
On 2016-05-04T14:17:58+00:00 Milaninbugzilla wrote:
If you want to "ifdef big endian" these errors, we'll probably take a
patch, but it may be better to figure out what the underlying problem
Reply at:
On 2016-05-04T14:24:56+00:00 Martin Husemann wrote:
No, I don't want to remove the errors - just noting that it mostly
I currently have no idea where to start looking what goes wrong. This
also is a relatively recent regression, not sure about 45, but 44
certainly did work well for me.
It only seems to happen for images, something goes wrong during
composition and a full redraw of the layers tree is triggered to fix it?
The visual result in the end is fine.
Reply at:
On 2016-05-05T15:56:50+00:00 Lsalzman wrote:
Created attachment 8749234
handle big-endian formats in Cairo format conversions
This is an unfortunately necessary hack until we resolve the overall
issue of inconsistent usage of B8G8R8A8 throughout the tree. It's better
than crashing, at least.
Reply at:
On 2016-05-05T18:43:04+00:00 Jmuizelaar wrote:
Comment on attachment 8749234
handle big-endian formats in Cairo format conversions
Review of attachment 8749234:
Do you know where the wrong formats are coming from?
Reply at:
On 2016-05-06T19:59:31+00:00 Jmuizelaar wrote:
It looks like they're coming from ImageLib. Can we try fixing those
instead in bug 1270942
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On 2017-01-28T00:13:30+00:00 Merlijn-v wrote:
I don't understand why this is marked as fixed. None of the issues
linked from this issue are fixed. And I am running into this issue both
on Firefox 45.6.0 and 50.1.0, on PPC64 (Big endian) Gentoo.
Reply at:
On 2017-01-28T00:30:25+00:00 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
(In reply to Merlijn B.W. Wajer from comment #7)
> I don't understand why this is marked as fixed. None of the issues linked
> from this issue are fixed. And I am running into this issue both on Firefox
> 45.6.0 and 50.1.0, on PPC64 (Big endian) Gentoo.
I didn't try big-endian PPC64, but at least sparc64 - which is also big-
endian - works fine. I did not see any crashes.
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On 2017-01-28T00:46:13+00:00 Merlijn-v wrote:
OK. On PowerPC it is not fixed, as far as I can tell.
firefox 50.1.0 in debian sid gives these errors:
Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1]: Unknown image format
1 (t=3.55253) |[6406][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=72.1646)
|[6407][GFX1]: Unknown image format 0 (t=72.1647) |[6408][GFX1]: Unknown
image format 1 (t=72.1648) |[6409][GFX1]: Unknown image format 0
(t=72.165) |[6410][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=72.1812)
|[6411][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=72.1814) |[6412][GFX1]: Unknown
image format 1 (t=72.1816) |[6413][GFX1]: Unknown image format 0
(t=72.1817) |[6414][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=72.1818)
|[6415][GFX1]: Unknown image format 0 (t=72.182) |[6401][GFX1]: Unknown
image format 0 (t=72.1484) |[6402][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1
(t=72.1485) |[6403][GFX1]: Unknown image format 0 (t=72.1487)
|[6404][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=72.1642) |[6405][GFX1]: Unknown
image format 1 (t=72.1644) [GFX1]: Unknown image format 0
Gentoo 45.6.0 and 50.1.0 exhibits the same errors.
Should I file a new bug? It seems awfully related.
Reply at:
On 2017-01-28T10:12:58+00:00 Martin Husemann wrote:
I see the same error output on sparc64, but previously it caused real
rendering fallout (like redrawing the whole tree on every error), which
does not happen anymore.
Since I usually do not monitor stderr/stdout from firefox during daily
usage, I did not notice earlier.
Reply at:
On 2017-02-13T09:03:19+00:00 Martin Husemann wrote:
Merlijn: please feel free to reopen, I guess "fixed" is overstated in
this context.
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On 2017-02-14T20:15:34+00:00 Alex Perez wrote:
I am also experiencing this exact same problem. Will someone who has the
ability please re-open this bug?
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On 2017-08-01T18:01:35+00:00 Alex Perez wrote:
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On 2017-09-29T08:43:43+00:00 Christian Zigotzky wrote:
Hi All,
I have Debian Sid PowerPC (PPC32) on my A-EON AmigaOne X1000 Nemo (P.A.
Semi PA6T). I have the same problems with Firefox.
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On 2018-02-02T09:12:11+00:00 Stransky wrote:
It may be related:
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On 2018-02-02T10:49:49+00:00 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
Here's the backtrace I am getting with Firefox 59 on sparc64:
Thread 1 "firefox" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xfff8000109aea030 in ContextToPC (context=0x7feffffa790)
at /srv/glaubitz/firefox-59.0~b4/js/src/wasm/WasmSignalHandlers.cpp:434
434 MOZ_CRASH();
(gdb) bt
#0 0xfff8000109aea030 in ContextToPC (context=0x7feffffa790)
at /srv/glaubitz/firefox-59.0~b4/js/src/wasm/WasmSignalHandlers.cpp:434
#1 0xfff8000109aea030 in RedirectJitCodeToInterruptCheck (context=0x7feffffa790, cx=<optimized out>)
at /srv/glaubitz/firefox-59.0~b4/js/src/wasm/WasmSignalHandlers.cpp:1510
#2 0xfff8000109aea030 in JitInterruptHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signum=<optimized out>, info=0x7feffffa790, context=0x7feffffa790)
at /srv/glaubitz/firefox-59.0~b4/js/src/wasm/WasmSignalHandlers.cpp:1561
#3 0xfff800010013bf5c in <signal handler called> ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sparc/sparc64/sigaction.c
#4 0xfff80001009af594 in __GI___poll (fds=0x7feffffab68, nfds=1, timeout=<optimized out>) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29
#5 0xfff8000103c53bd0 in () at /usr/lib/sparc64-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1
I have tried Martin's patch from the RedHat bugzilla, but so far it
didn't help. But I just did a quick incremental build and may need a
full rebuild which I am trying now.
Reply at:
On 2018-02-02T10:53:49+00:00 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
Oh, wait a second. This crash happens because we are missing an
implementation for sparc64 here:
static uint8_t**
ContextToPC(CONTEXT* context)
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>(&PC_sig(context));
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** Bug watch added: Red Hat Bugzilla #1423012
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Firefox > 44 is broken on all big-endian architectures
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