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WASHINGTON THE Clinton campaign is shellshocked over the wholesale rejection of Hillary dim by young women, younger versions of herself saturn who do not relate to her. Hillarys billionaire coronation was predicated on a conviction that abreast has just gone up in . The sunburn Clintons felt that Barack Obama had presumptuously formula snatched what was rightfully hers in 2008, bison gliding past her with his pretty words dense to make history before she could. So capped this time, the Clintons assumed, the women opposite who had deserted Hillary for Barack, in different Congress and in the country, owed her. alley Democrats would want to knock down that previously second barrier. Hillary believed that there was prostitution an implicit understanding with the sisters of the world that now was the time mho to come back home and vote for effectively a woman. (The Clintons seem to have hungry conveniently forgotten how outraged they were by accordance identity politics when black leaders deserted them omega in 2008 to support Obama.) This attitude suddenly intensified the unappetizing solipsistic subtext of her armageddon campaign, which is What is Hillary owed? accused It turned out that female voters seem wet to be looking at Hillary as a argent rather than as a historical imperative. inventory And shes coming up drastically short on endangered trustworthiness. As Olivia Sauer, an 18-year-old college haystack freshman who caucused for Bernie Sanders in flirt Ames, Iowa, told a Times reporter: It painlessly seems like he is at the point pivot in his life when he is really vanity saying what he is thinking. With Hillary, straight sometimes you get this feeling that all telling of her sentences are owned by someone. abortion Hillary started, both last time and this, instruct from a place of entitlement, as though ecstatic if she reads her rsum long enough exhausted people will surrender. And now shes even crust angrier that she has been shown up mason by someone she considers even less qualified diligence than Obama was when he usurped her aviator place. Bernie has a clear, concise we domestic message, even if its pie-in-the-sky: The individual is rigged and we have to take milkshake the country back from the privileged few jacuzzi and make it work for everyone. Hillary fooling has an I message: I have been telephone abused and misunderstood and its my turn. sousa Its a victim mind-set that is exhausting, flex especially because the Clintons messes are of parchment their own making. On the trail in recognition New Hampshire, Madeleine Albright made the case penal that it was a betrayal of
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