[Bug 1228250] Re: [Shift + Mouse-Scroll-Wheel] Does NOT Scroll Horizontally

Bug Watch Updater 1228250 at bugs.launchpad.net
Fri Sep 20 18:21:23 UTC 2013

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On 2002-05-08T15:59:25+00:00 Hunters wrote:

>From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0rc1)
BuildID:    2002041711

Under Preferences->Advanced->Mouse Wheel, I'd like to see an option for mouse
wheel + modifier key to scroll the current page horizontally instead of
vertically (when such scrolling is possible).

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Not currently a feature.

Reply at:

On 2002-05-08T16:22:33+00:00 Bugzilla-tf wrote:

see also bug 58589

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On 2002-05-08T17:14:45+00:00 Jag-mozilla wrote:

-> bryner

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On 2002-06-23T16:18:14+00:00 Skewermz wrote:

Note that the traditional defaults are:

Mouse wheel: Scroll vertically
Ctrl+wheel: Zoom
Shift+wheel: Pan (scroll horizontally)

Most of the programs that don't follow this tradition either pan when the mouse
is hovering over the horizontal scrollbar (bug 71464) or shamefully don't pan at

Reply at:

On 2002-09-26T22:50:26+00:00 Bugzilla-tf wrote:

*** Bug 171049 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2003-03-09T07:10:58+00:00 Danielwang wrote:

*** Bug 196516 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2003-07-24T09:10:19+00:00 Llwang wrote:

I think that the OS should be All instead of just Windows 2000.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1228250/comments/6

On 2003-07-24T11:19:55+00:00 Vdvo wrote:


Reply at:

On 2004-01-29T09:20:33+00:00 Hachiro75 wrote:

Created attachment 140146
patch (only tested with gtk)

This patch adds two options `scroll the document by [N] chars.' and `scroll a
page left or a page right.' to mousewheel's pref-panel.

Tha range of integer value of mousewheel.with*key.action is extended to 5.
4=scroll horizontally.
5=scroll page horizontally.

The result makes mousewheel's pref-panel more verbose
but may help single wheel mouse users.

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On 2004-01-29T13:30:37+00:00 Hunters wrote:

Great! Any chance for a binary patch for Win32? :)

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On 2004-01-31T10:27:07+00:00 Hachiro75 wrote:

Created attachment 140298
XUL (workaround)

(In reply to comment #9)
> Great! Any chance for a binary patch for Win32? :)


Though the best way is building Mozilla with patch,
here is yet another implementation by XUL.
This also implements Bug 71464 imperfectly.

This will be XPInstalled as add-on by simply opening it in Mozilla.
Only works with window, frame and message-pane in Mozilla but none of other
widgets like texbox although original patch works with almost every scrollable

If you want to change modifier key, amount of scroll or direction,
edit mozilla's chrome/whscroll/content/whscrollOverlay.xul manualy.
The value of mousewheel.with[your modifier]key.action must be 0 or 1 when using
as horizontal scroll trigger.

Uninstallation is done manualy delete the directory named `whscroll' and remove
descriptions about whscroll in chrome.rdf and those lines in some
overlayinfo/*/content/*.rdf files in Mozilla's chrome directory.

Reply at:

On 2004-05-14T15:05:08+00:00 Bwucke+bug wrote:

Existing workaround: Extension of MozGest
"wheel rocker" - hold the wheel depressed (or middle button) while scrolling
scrolls horizontally. But still I'd like to see this implemented as well.

Reply at:

On 2004-10-02T09:00:27+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

I fully agree that there should be GUI options to change horizontal mouse wheel
scrolling. But should they not just mirror the ones for vertical scrolling under
Preferences->Advanced->Mouse Wheel and utilizes the currently hidden preferences
mousewheel.horizscroll.with*key.* (that have bad defaults, see bug 231718)?

That would make much more sense to me than introducing new values for the
vertical/normal scrolling prefs.

Reply at:

On 2004-10-24T22:34:28+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

Created attachment 163247
UI prefs for mousewheel.horizscroll.* prefs

OK, this is my first try. I split each tab in the prefs panel Advanced->Mouse
Wheel into two group boxes, the upper for vertical scrolling, the lower for the
horizontal options. I also added a short paragraph to the respective help page.

Seems to work fine here on OS/2 with the current trunk, all changes I make in
the GUI panel are reflected in about:config and vice versa.

Reply at:

On 2004-11-27T01:49:11+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

Comment on attachment 163247
UI prefs for mousewheel.horizscroll.* prefs

Actually, this is probably better reviewed by the XPFE owners, although bryner
seems to be the expert on mousewheel scrolling...

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On 2004-11-30T07:30:03+00:00 Sugar-waffle wrote:

*** Bug 272095 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2004-12-05T17:45:28+00:00 Iann-bugzilla wrote:

I think the change to help needs some work - it is just tagged on at the end
rather than being incorporated into the existing text. For example:

The line "The Mouse Wheel preferences panel allows you to control how the mouse
wheel on your mouse (in between your mouse buttons) is used in Mozilla:"
probably needs to make reference to the fact the user's mouse might have
multiple wheels or one that the direction can be adjusted. I only have a
standard wheel mouse so I'm not sure if there is a standard place for these
extra features to be on an advanced wheel mouse - if there is one, maybe that
needs to be mentioned as it is for the standard wheel mouse.

Perhaps - "The Mouse Wheel preferences panel allows you to control how the
vertical mouse wheel (in between your mouse buttons) and the horizontal mouse
wheel (<location of wheel> - if you have one) on your mouse are used in Mozilla:"

Reply at:

On 2004-12-06T00:45:46+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

Well, I thought that this would be explained somewhere in the mouse driver or
even OS help. But you are right, at least partly. And if I ever get review
comments for my patch I will certainly take your comments into account before it
gets checked in.

Reply at:

On 2004-12-10T00:22:31+00:00 Jag-mozilla wrote:

Comment on attachment 163247
UI prefs for mousewheel.horizscroll.* prefs

>Index: xpfe/components/prefwindow/resources/locale/en-US/pref-mousewheel.dtd

> <!ENTITY scrollPgUpPgDn.label         "Scroll a page up or a page down">
> <!ENTITY scrollPgUpPgDn.accesskey     "p">
>+<!ENTITY scrollPgLtPgRt.label         "Scroll a page left or a page right">
>+<!ENTITY scrollPgLtPgRt.accesskey     "p">

Double definition of "p" as an accesskey.

>Index: extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/cs_nav_prefs_advanced.xhtml
>     <p><strong>Note</strong>: Each modifier key can be assigned to a different
>       function.</p>
>   </li>
>+  <li>For each key the upper box titled "Vertical scrolling" allows you to
>+    assign a function to the normal operation of the wheel. If your mouse
>+    allows you to switch the wheel into horizontal mode or has two wheels
>+    you can use the lower box titled "Horizontal scrolling" to make similar
>+    adjustments as for the vertical mode.</li>

</li> should be on its own line as per the previous entry.

Other than that it looks good to me (though I haven't closely examinated your
copy&paste skills).

Go ahead and discuss better wording for the help file.

Reply at:

On 2004-12-10T00:39:26+00:00 Neil-httl wrote:

Comment on attachment 163247
UI prefs for mousewheel.horizscroll.* prefs

The horizontal radios will need completely separate accesskeys to the vertical
radios. They may currently only work on the last tab but that's a separate bug.
While you're there, make sure none of them (old or new) are 'h' because that's
reserved for help.

I noticed you reindented enableField, please don't include whitespace fixes on
otherwise unchanged code blocks.

You don't need ids on your new <vbox>es, please remove them.

Finally I don't think that the help is sufficiently helpful.

Reply at:

On 2004-12-10T02:24:32+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

Great, thanks for the reviews! Those are all easily changed, although the
accesskeys still only work in the last tab (the one with shift), but from neil's
comment I understand that as a known problem.

The wording of the help text is much harder, before I post everything again as a
full patch, here is my suggestion:

   The Mouse Wheel preferences panel allows you to control how the mouse wheel
   on your mouse (in between your mouse buttons) is used in Mozilla.
   Modern mice may have two wheels or a button that can be used to switch the
   scroll direction of the wheel. The behaviour for the vertical wheel function
   is set in the upper panel <strong>Vertical scrolling</strong> while the 
   horizontal mode is controlled by the lower panel <strong>Horizontal

1st big item:
   [... in the small items add "characters" in brackets after lines 
        and left/right after up/down ...]
2nd big item:
   If your mouse does not have a mode for horizontal scrolling, any setting
   in the lower panel <strong>Horizontal scrolling</strong> will be ignored.

One could add another item about mice with back/forward buttons but I think that
goes to far here, and I don't have a mouse like that so I can only guess from
bug 64485 what should be happening.

Reply at:

On 2004-12-10T15:23:52+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

Steven Hunter writes me:

> > 2nd big item:
> >    If your mouse does not have a mode for horizontal scrolling, any
> >    setting in the lower panel <strong>Horizontal scrolling</strong>
> >    will be ignored.
> Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, but this statement doesn't
> jive with the intent of the "bug" in question.
> The point of the bug was to request that the Mouse Wheel pref panel list
> "Scroll the document horizontally" as a choice for the wheel action. Your
> comment seems to imply supporting mice with secondary wheels only for
> such scrolling.

I think you are right that I may have misunderstood the original intent of the
bug when I first found it. Since then I never read the old comments again. It's
a bit stupid because noone objected two months ago or at least when I added my
ideas and the first draft of my patch.
What's the best procedure now? I guess I need to open a new bug and attach the
new patch there... Objections?

Reply at:

On 2004-12-10T22:40:02+00:00 Jag-mozilla wrote:

Yeah, that would probably be the best way to go. Wow, I completely missed the
original request, which I think would be really nice to have (having run into
this desire myself on many occassions).

Reply at:

On 2004-12-11T13:08:50+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

OK, none of the other horizontal mouse wheel bugs really applied, so I created
bug 274179 and attached the patch there. Sorry again, I also change back this
bug's title, as the required patch obviously requires some backend changes in
addition to the UI.

Reply at:

On 2005-01-18T07:57:18+00:00 Sugar-waffle wrote:

*** Bug 277567 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2005-01-18T07:58:12+00:00 Sugar-waffle wrote:

*** Bug 241824 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2005-01-27T13:04:08+00:00 Sugar-waffle wrote:

*** Bug 248251 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2005-01-27T13:07:57+00:00 Sugar-waffle wrote:

*** Bug 235310 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2005-01-27T13:11:06+00:00 Sugar-waffle wrote:

*** Bug 218646 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2005-01-27T13:17:47+00:00 Sugar-waffle wrote:

*** Bug 176278 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2005-02-21T16:58:33+00:00 Mattsch wrote:

I don't know if this should be included in this enhancement or I should create a
new one but it would be nice for the people who don't have a horizontal
scrolling mouse to have horizontal scrolling capabilities with the mouse.  If
anyone has ever used Textpad, you might know what I'm talking about.  In this
program when a horizontal scrollbar exists, it is possible to press and hold the
control key and use the vertical scroll on the mouse to scroll left and right. 
So would it be possible to hold the ctrl key + up scroll to scroll left and ctrl
key + down to scroll right?  I could envision just including the same option
Scroll a page left or right under the vertical scrolling area as well.

Reply at:

On 2005-02-21T18:00:53+00:00 Hunters wrote:

(In reply to comment #30)

Uh, if you'll re-read the description, that's already the goal of this

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On 2005-02-22T08:18:47+00:00 Mattsch wrote:

I was just looking into the new options in the latest nightly build and the
newest options under mouse wheel.  I suppose left/right scrolling under vertical
scrolling will be a later patch?

Reply at:

On 2005-06-01T17:56:18+00:00 Chpe wrote:

Created attachment 185037
backend-only patch

Let's proceed step-by-step. Here's a patch implementing the backend support for
scrolling the other direction with the mouse wheel, which I need for embedding
It adds wheel actions 4 and 5, which scroll by numlines resp. by pagesize in
the other direction (i.e. horizontal for wheel, vertical for horiz wheel).

Reply at:

On 2005-08-05T11:08:53+00:00 Dtownsend+bugmail wrote:

*** Bug 303537 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2005-08-05T11:45:06+00:00 935c wrote:

Supposedly my bug 303537 is a duplicate of this bug.

I fail to see why because :
(a) This appears to be a bug restricted to the Microsoft Windows platform
(b) The Macintosh version of Mozilla doesn't even have
"Preferences->Advanced->Mouse Wheel"

Reply at:

On 2005-08-05T12:01:38+00:00 Jo-hermans wrote:

(In reply to comment #35)
> (b) The Macintosh version of Mozilla doesn't even have
> "Preferences->Advanced->Mouse Wheel" 

I thought you were using Firefox ?

Reply at:

On 2005-08-05T12:43:06+00:00 935c wrote:

Typo ... Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 ...sorry about confusion caused.

Reply at:

On 2005-08-05T13:28:43+00:00 Jo-hermans wrote:

*** Bug 258190 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

On 2005-08-05T18:33:57+00:00 Mattsch wrote:

In Seamonkey Alpha (1.8b4) or Mozilla 1.8b, I go to Advanced->Mousewheel, then I
select the control tab and under Horizontal Scrolling, I select Scroll a page
left or a page right and hit ok.  Then when I press and hold ctrl and mouse
wheel up or down, the page does not scroll left or right when a scrollbar is
present.  Is there something in about:config I could configure or is the
backend-only patch not implemented yet?

Reply at:

On 2005-08-25T12:33:02+00:00 X-bugzilla wrote:

Created attachment 193804
Backend and all new Frontend

The backend only patch did not work flawlessly on the current nightly so I
patched by hand and added a frontend.

My first GUI idea was to use 2 neested tabboxes (H/V -> N/A/C/S) but this
looked quite odd. Now I'm using popups instead of radio buttons (2*5 buttons
just took up too much space). This gives you a quick overview without consuming
more space than available.

The "Use system default" has been moved into a seperate dialog

Things that are not in this patch (I need help here!):

- I would prefer to have "[ ] Use custom settings: ___ units." instead of "[x]
Use system default" since that's what you set up here. You *activate* your
custom settings you do not *deactivate* the system's settings. My problem is
that I do not want to make the entries in the users config invalid and I do not
know how to connect the checkbox to the negated setting. Do I have to set the
checkbox in JavaScript code here or is there an better way?

- There is no help for the advanced settings dialog. (Simply remove the "Help"

- I've never created a patch that contains a new file for mozilla. Was
appending a diff agains /dev/null the correct way? Means: does the attached
patch work for you?

- Was it correct to add the new file to xpfe/components/jar.mn and
embedding/config/xulprefs.mn? pref-mousewheel.xul was there so I think it's

- I did not update the defaults for all mousewheel.* preferences. (I did not
find the right place to do so) It should set up the actions in a reasonable way
(less important) and set *all* settings in the advanced settings dialog to "Use
system defaults" (and "1 unit" as inactive custom value)

Reply at:

On 2005-09-05T14:04:32+00:00 X-bugzilla wrote:

Created attachment 194913
Backend and all new Frontend (V2)

Changes to the attachement of comment #40:

- Now there is some help.

- Replaced "Do not use system defaults" by "Use custom settings"

- Fixed a Copy&Paste-error in the advanced dialog.

Reply at:

On 2005-09-06T08:59:50+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

Comment on attachment 194913
Backend and all new Frontend (V2)

I tried the patch and noted several things:

- The new controls on the page do not fit the contents of the prefs panel
(clipped in width so that I don't see the arrows of the drop-downs, and I only
see the upper left corner of the Advanced button), even on my system and I know
that on other systems the panel appears even smaller

- The UI is confusing. Why do the options for horizontal scrolling appear in
the box for vertical scrolling as well (and vice versa)?

- What am I supposed to select if I want Ctrl-Scroll to give me horizontal
scrolling? Currently, I cannot get that to work.

I think a different approach is needed. If the user does not have a mouse with
horizontal wheel or an option to switch direction, then the lower half of each
panel is useless. Instead, Mozilla should be able to detect that (difficult to
do that cross-platform, and probably impossible on Linux), hide the lower part
and instead display a check box saying
    [_] Use this modifier to scroll horizontally
or something like that.

Reply at:

On 2005-09-06T17:20:33+00:00 X-bugzilla wrote:

> - The new controls on the page do not fit the contents of the prefs panel
> (clipped in width so that I don't see the arrows of the drop-downs, and I only
> see the upper left corner of the Advanced button), even on my system and I know
> that on other systems the panel appears even smaller

On my build (Mozilla Seamonkey, CVS, Linux) they fit in the dialog but perhaps
we could find a shorter text than the longest "Move back and forward in the
browsing history"?

"Navigate (through) browsing history"?

> - The UI is confusing. Why do the options for horizontal scrolling appear in
> the box for vertical scrolling as well (and vice versa)?

Isn't that what this bug is about: Setting up horizontal scrolling for vertical
mouse wheels?

> - What am I supposed to select if I want Ctrl-Scroll to give me horizontal
> scrolling? Currently, I cannot get that to work.

Under vertical scrolling, in the popup next to "Control:" select "Scroll the
document left or right"

Would "Vertical/Horizontal wheeling" be a better title?

> I think a different approach is needed. If the user does not have a mouse with
> horizontal wheel or an option to switch direction, then the lower half of each
> panel is useless. Instead, Mozilla should be able to detect that (difficult to

I agree that it would be great if we could hide the useless box. It would be
very hard to do it right, the wheel could dis-/appear during the runtime,
multiple mice on a computer, ...

> do that cross-platform, and probably impossible on Linux), hide the lower part
> and instead display a check box saying
>     [_] Use this modifier to scroll horizontally
> or something like that.

You would have to display 8 checkboxes in the dialog.

Two possible scenarios:

- These checkboxes has to be disabled if there is something selected that does
not "scroll" the document.

- The popup has to be disabled if the checkbox is selected. The checkbox next to
the associated horizontal scrolling popup is disabled too, to prevent "H -> V ->
H -> ..."

Instead of the checkboxes there could be a item in the popup: "Pose as
horizontal". This has the same loop-problem.

My suggestion has none of these problems. No dependencies between the settings,
just a straight forward: "I want my vertical mouse wheel with pressed control
key to scroll the document left or right."

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1228250/comments/43

On 2005-09-07T09:49:06+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

(In reply to comment #43)
> > - The UI is confusing. Why do the options for horizontal scrolling appear in
> > the box for vertical scrolling as well (and vice versa)?
> Isn't that what this bug is about: Setting up horizontal scrolling for vertical
> mouse wheels?

I was wrong about what this bug wants before, but yes, I think that is its
purpose. That does not mean that the "Vertical scrolling" box is the most
obvious place to add this function, after all, users would look in this box for
changing the movement in the vertical direction.

> > - What am I supposed to select if I want Ctrl-Scroll to give me horizontal
> > scrolling? Currently, I cannot get that to work.
> Under vertical scrolling, in the popup next to "Control:" select "Scroll the
> document left or right"

Ah, OK, that works now. (I was quite sure that I had selected that as well
yesterday, strange...)

> Would "Vertical/Horizontal wheeling" be a better title?

I think "wheeling" has a different meaning in English.

> > do that cross-platform, and probably impossible on Linux), hide the lower part
> > and instead display a check box saying
> >     [_] Use this modifier to scroll horizontally
> > or something like that.
> You would have to display 8 checkboxes in the dialog.

No, just one on each of the current four tabs. Once it is selected the
horizontal box controls are deactivated and all horizscroll prefs are set so
that they get deactivated. I will try to take a look at this the next days and
if I have enough time come up with an alternative patch to demonstrate my idea.

CCing neil and jag, perhaps they have some ideas or opinions.

Reply at:

On 2005-09-14T13:12:23+00:00 Neil-httl wrote:

Three ideas, but I haven't thought them out thoroughly:
1. Move all the horizontal scroll/extra button prefs into an advanced dialog
2. Radio buttons to choose between vertical/horizontal prefs
   (keeping the current modifier layout, but with two extra radio buttons)
3. Make the tabs vertical/horizontal, and list the modifiers vertically,
   two lines per modifier (action dropdown and number of lines textbox).

Reply at:

On 2005-11-03T00:05:33+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

(In reply to comment #44)
> I will try to take a look at this the next days and
> if I have enough time come up with an alternative patch to demonstrate my idea.

I'm sorry, I just didn't find the time to really look into this, but ...

(In reply to comment #45)
> 2. Radio buttons to choose between vertical/horizontal prefs
>    (keeping the current modifier layout, but with two extra radio buttons)

... this is the option I had in mind.

> 3. Make the tabs vertical/horizontal, and list the modifiers vertically,
>    two lines per modifier (action dropdown and number of lines textbox).

This also sounds interesting.

Reply at:

On 2005-12-22T17:12:55+00:00 Mattsch wrote:

Any chance this patch will be applied for Seamonkey 1.0 final?

Reply at:

On 2005-12-22T18:30:14+00:00 Iann-bugzilla wrote:

(In reply to comment #47)
> Any chance this patch will be applied for Seamonkey 1.0 final?
Without a new, reviewed patch - very doubtful

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1228250/comments/48

On 2006-01-12T20:07:22+00:00 X-bugzilla wrote:

I stole some time to have a look at this patch again:

(In reply to comment #44)

> No, just one on each of the current four tabs. Once it is selected the
> horizontal box controls are deactivated and all horizscroll prefs are
> set so that they get deactivated.

Did I get this wrong: You would disallow me to set up the horizontal
wheel because I have set up the vertical wheel to horizontal scrolling?
What about Shift-vertical: Horizontal, Shift-horizontal: History.

Reply at:

On 2006-01-12T21:20:24+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

I am not in the position to disallow anything, I am not an official reviewer nor part of the council.
But in the context of this bug this suggestion doesn't make much sense. As far as I understand this bug is for people who only have one scrollwheel and still want to switch from vertical to horizontal movement.

Reply at:

On 2006-01-12T22:19:18+00:00 X-bugzilla wrote:

Created attachment 208305
Backend and all new Frontend (V3)

This is a (partially) the implementation of idea 3 from Comment #45.

I dont't like the idea to see the options for overriding the system
setting four times in the dialog.

Normally I would expect that whoever wants to change the scrolling speed
does want this in all application so she should change the system
preferences instead. If you really want it for Mozilla only (e.g. to set
"slow scrolling" to Shift-scroll) you still can do so in the advanced

Normally you do not need the settings so why confuse the user with it?

Personally I really like V2 of the patch. It's a simple interface that
shows everything at once most people ever want to change.

Reply at:

On 2006-01-12T22:21:50+00:00 X-bugzilla wrote:

(In reply to comment #50)
> I am not in the position to disallow anything, I am not an official reviewer
> nor part of the council.

Sorry, should have been:

You would disallow *the user* to set up the horizontal wheel
because *she* has set up the vertical wheel to horizontal scrolling?.

Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1228250/comments/52

On 2006-01-14T21:39:09+00:00 Mozilla-weilbacher wrote:

No, it's just very confusing. And users who really have a "horizontal"
wheel probably very rarely get the idea to use it for vertical scrolling
if there is a vertical wheel... (Are there devices where the only wheel
is really oriented horizontally?)

Anyway, about your patch. Now that I see the option with drop-downs in action I think I like it. Some suggestions:

- Rename vertical and horizontal wheel. Perhaps use "mouse wheel" (or
"first mouse wheel" but that is stupid for people with only one wheel)
and "second mouse wheel", to be less confusing. You could explain in the
help text that the  normal wheel is normally set for vertical scrolling
the second one for horizontal scrolling.

- You have a lot of free space in that panel now which could be used
better. Yes, you don't want to confuse the user with too many options
but now you have everything there twice (almost doubling the codesize)
while the checkbox with entry field would nicely fit behind the drop-

- You could even think about removing the two tabs and instead place the
second mouse wheel below the first. I think the longest panel currently
is "Navigator -> Tabbed Browsing" which you could compare to.

- One drawback of this combined approach is that you have to use "units"
whick really says nothing. Before, you could differentiate between lines
(for vertical movement) and characters (horizontal), even if it was not
always exact. If you had the checkbox+entry field behind the drop-downs,
you could control this word by some JS magic depending on the selection
in the corresponding drop-down.

- In the advanced panel, the selection of custom units is always
selectable, even when "Move through browsing history" is selected. This
doesn't make any sense. (Again, if you would put those extra options
into the main panel it would probably be easier to control the
correlation between them.)

Reply at:

On 2006-02-19T08:33:32+00:00 Bryner wrote:

I'm not going to realistically have time to deal with this bug.  ->
nobody, and unsetting reviews... sorry.

Reply at:

On 2006-02-20T06:58:35+00:00 Mattsch wrote:

Geez, there is a possible working patch and all it needs is a review and
no one has the time to review it?  I miss that feverish pace before
Fireferret took over.

Reply at:

On 2006-05-26T15:39:20+00:00 Moz-jomel wrote:

FWIW Internet Explorer Beta 2 adds this, Alt+wheelscroll scrolls the
page horizontally; though they say in the final version they'll change
the Alt modifier to Ctrl+Shift so it doesn't activate the File menu.

Reply at:

On 2008-07-25T14:16:20+00:00 jasonq wrote:

Just wanted to add that compiz uses alt- and ctrl- mouse wheel for
dimming  windows and zooming the desktop, respectively; so this
reinforces that shift-mouse wheel is the way to go.

Reply at:

On 2008-07-25T14:37:11+00:00 Mattsch wrote:

(In reply to comment #57)
> Just wanted to add that compiz uses alt- and ctrl- mouse wheel for dimming 
> windows and zooming the desktop, respectively; so this reinforces that
> shift-mouse wheel is the way to go. 

This feature (if it ever gets implemented), is about a configurable that
allows you to choose what the modifier key is.

Reply at:

On 2009-01-21T11:49:35+00:00 Stlman wrote:

I think it is worth considering to add transversal actions for both
vertical and horizontal wheel just like in GIMP. So you can make the
horizontal wheel scroll vertically too.

Reply at:

On 2013-01-26T20:50:37+00:00 Thomas Mitterfellner wrote:

What is the current state of this feature? I'm still desperately looking
for the functionality of scrolling horizontally when holding a choosable
modifier key and using the *vertical* (i.e. up/down) mouse wheel.

I'm using Firefox 18.0.1/Linux/KDE4.9.5. Is there already some way to
achieve this with this setup (possibly with some about:config magic)?

Reply at:

On 2013-09-20T17:54:01+00:00 Aozill6 wrote:

I too am desperately seeking this functionality:

Chrome and Chromium have this feature, and I want it too, but I use
Firefox loyally.

Reply at:

** Changed in: firefox
       Status: Unknown => Confirmed

** Changed in: firefox
   Importance: Unknown => Wishlist

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  [Shift + Mouse-Scroll-Wheel] Does NOT Scroll Horizontally

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