[Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

Henry H henry at harte.net.au
Thu Apr 15 08:42:00 UTC 2010

Hello Bilal,

Thursday, April 15, 2010, 5:06:33 PM, you wrote:

> Hi people,
> I am an Ubuntu user from Saudi Arabia, a country where Micro$oft is
> enjoying its monopoly like hell. 97 % Windows, 2.70 % Mac and 0.10 %
> linux, with iPhones and other devices dominating the remaining.
> People here are like brainwashed, and believe in Micro$oft as if its
> the god of software.

In  countries  with  a  Christian background we have an expression (or
two)  for  what  you  are  doing.  We refer to it as 'preaching to the
converted' or 'preaching to the choir'.  I am sure that there would be
an equivalent phrase in use in Muslim based countries.

While  I  am  proceeding on the 'belief' pathway (I am trying to tread
carefully  but  please  forgive  me  if  I  tread  on ant toes), It is
interesting  for  the  non-believers  perspective (That windoze is the
most/only  . . . . .) to see the behavior of those who clink to their
belief in the face of contrary evidence (GUI, software, bling etc...).

Keep up the proselytizing

Best regards,
 Henry                            mailto:henry at harte.net.au

Microsoft has a majority market share
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