[Bug 441552] Re: [MASTER] Firefox 3.5 prompting to restart without installing new addons

Launchpad Bug Tracker 441552 at bugs.launchpad.net
Tue Oct 20 10:14:23 UTC 2009

This bug was fixed in the package xulrunner-1.9.1 -

xulrunner-1.9.1 ( karmic; urgency=low

  [ Fabien Tassin <fta at ubuntu.com> ]
  * fix LP: #454166 - target the 'default' branch instead of tip;
    this just affects daily builds from this branch
    - add debian/moz-rev.sh
    - update debian/mozclient/xulrunner-1.9.1.conf

  [ Alexander Sack <asac at ubuntu.com> ]
  * fix LP: #441552 - [MASTER] Firefox 3.5 prompting to restart without
    installing new addons; basically on upgrade if firefox does not find
    an reference to a previously known extension location in the new created
    extension rdf, the extension manager will fail leading to a bad startup
    sequence, basically leaving users in a instable state as no extension
    upgrades etc. will finish/work properly. The fix takes latest upstream
    patch (attach 407108) from https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=521780
    - add debian/patches/lp441552_bz521780_att407108.patch
    - update debian/patches/series

 -- Alexander Sack <asac at ubuntu.com>   Tue, 20 Oct 2009 12:08:40 +0200

** Changed in: xulrunner-1.9.1 (Ubuntu)
       Status: Triaged => Fix Released

[MASTER] Firefox 3.5 prompting to restart without installing new addons
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