[Bug 80949] Re: firefox crash segfault (core dumped) with some websites

Kurt J. Bosch kjb-2004 at alpenjodel.de
Mon Feb 19 19:09:19 UTC 2007

With flashplugin-nonfree 9 (edgy-backports) there is no problem.

Occures every time when only libflash-mozplugin is installed.

If both are installed there seems to be no problem too.

It used to happen when libflash-mozplugin and flashplugin-nonfree 7 (multiverse) where installed, but installation of flashplugin-nonfree 7 seems no longer possible.
'automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes'

I attach about_plugins (flashplugin-nonfree 9 only). Don't know if any
of the other plugins are relevant here.

** Attachment added: "about_plugins without libflash-mozplugin"

firefox crash segfault (core dumped) with some websites

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