[Bug 84937] Re: Left machine on while I was sleeping, when I woke up firefox had crashed

Luke Kosewski stranded_dieu at yahoo.ca
Sat Feb 17 17:37:58 UTC 2007

Hi Alex,

On 2/17/07, Alex Latchford <alex at yawnster.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the bug report, I cannot seem to reproduce this bug, (I
> have got a Firefox window here that has been open since the 11th Feb),
> was there any unusual pages open? With flash or java content or anything
> unusual?

I wish I had any good news for you on that front, but unfortunately, I don't.
- This is not a recurring problem.  I don't shut down this machine at
all, and this is the first time such a crash happened (though it was
also the first day I had updated to Edgy from Dapper).  It hasn't
crashed since that day.
- I have no java or flash on my system, the most complicated (I
suppose for lack of a better term) page open was a gmail tab in one

Since it was a one time thing I really doubt its easily reproducable,
but perhaps the stack trace and other debugging data in that monster
56 MB file I attached might shed some clue as to what went wrong...
sorry I can't be of more assistance.


Left machine on while I was sleeping, when I woke up firefox had crashed

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