[Bug 78308] Re: Enigmail cannot sign or decrypt an email

Aldo Latino aldolat at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 20:50:51 UTC 2007

> so this bug is not about enigmail not being able to sign email, but
> about a not supported charsets for passphrase?

1. Problem one: the passphrase.
Probably yes.
The passphrase must have unaccented characters to be usable.

2. Problem two: the plain text.
But take a look here too.
When the plain message contains accented letters, these are wrongly
reproduced when the message is decrypted, as I described here:

I think there is a problem in the used charset, either for the
passphrase, or for the plain text.

Thank you for your attention.

Aldo Latino
Ubuntu User # 6734
Skype: aldolat
Blog: http://aldolat.altervista.org
PGP Keys: http://tinyurl.com/pet7r

Enigmail cannot sign or decrypt an email

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