Hello,<br><br>I know that in this period you are very busy making Ubuntu as stable as possible.<br><br>I read some time ago <a href="https://lists.launchpad.net/unity-design/msg08430.html">this mail</a> in which Michael Hall started writing a list of applications with the icon in low resolution and every application in the list, the link to the related bug in launchpad.<br>
<br>I saw that rapidsvn was suffering from this "problem", so I added rapidsvn to the list, i opened <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rapidsvn/+bug/970218">a bug</a> on launchpad and started to draw an icon for rapidsvn in svg format. After a day I finished the first version of the icon, so I attached it to the bug I opened, but nobody seems to care for it. I looked for the maintainer of the rapidsvn package and I found you. I wrote you this mail to ask you if it's possible to add the svg icon to rapidsvn package in order to have a nice and hi-res icon for this application, this operation shouldn't create new bug or problems, but make rapidsvn a bit more eye candy.<br>
<br>Sorry for my poor English<br>Keep on your good work ;)<br>