Hello MOTU Land,<br><br>It has really come to my attention that I need to have a sabbatical time away from Ubuntu development. For people who know me this is no surprise as I've been struggling to get my PhD and "real life" in better order for better than a year now. In recent weeks I've felt increasingly frustrated with some aspects of Ubuntu development and community and I feel like for the betterment of myself and the community I should take some serious time off. I'm very hopeful that I'll be able to come back at some point so I'm considering this a sabbatical and not a goodbye.<br>
<br>Because I'm a firm believer in the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and have a couple of leadership positions within MOTU I'm writing this email as a part of "Step down considerately". Right now I act as the MOTU/LP liaison and a member of the MOTU SRU team, but I will step down from those positions as soon as replacements are found and/or current work is finished.<br>
<br>I cherish the time I've had to work with you all and count many of you as some of my very best friends. Good luck with Intrepid.<br><br>-Jordan Mantha<br>