Hi there,<br><br>this is my first post in the list, so a brief introduction about myself.<br><br>My name is Cesare Falco (guess right... I'm from Italy :) ) and I've been a Debian user for 5 years before installing hoary and then upgrading up to dapper due to a problem with
<a href="http://X.org">X.org</a> 7.1 and the latest drivers of my Matrox G550, which prevents OpenGL to benefit from the accelerated hw.<br><br>I'm currently working on packaging SDLMame for Ubuntu, and I already uploaded the package to the REVU waiting for some sensitive soul to review it :)
<br><br>I read all the suggested docs about packaging and I feel that the first release of the package is a good start to work from, but I couldn't find anything about building binary packages for other architectures but mine (i3869).
<br><br>I.E. is there for Ubuntu some online system like the Autobuilder for Debian where I can submit my package to see it built on PPC and Intel64?<br><br>Feel free to blame me if the answer is obvious, but please supply a link, thank you! :)