hi from italy , I have this problem whit the package <br>I want to lacalize for Udine campoformido ( <a href="http://weather.gladstonefamily.net/site/LIPD">http://weather.gladstonefamily.net/site/LIPD</a>)<br><br>but If I write :
<br><br>$ weather -iLIPD<br><br>I receive <br><br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "/usr/bin/weather", line 25, in ?<br> get_bool("verbose", argument)<br> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/weather.py", line 75, in get_metar
<br> output.append("Current conditions at " \<br>IndexError: list index out of range<br><br><br>I am on edgy Ubuntu !<br><br>Thanks for help !<br><br>Marco<br>