Timeshift - Release for 15.04 Vivid Velvet

Paul Romero paulr at rcom-software.com
Sun Jan 23 20:41:15 UTC 2022

Dear Staff:

I need a version of the timeshift utility for Ubuntu Linux version 15.04.
Currently, I cannot access or enable the the recommended repository which
is as follows.


The diagnostics indicate there is an SSH certificate verification problem.

Is there some way other than using apt-get by which I can download and 
the utility package ?  If so, please inform me about where I can obtain 
it via ftp or sftp or
something similar ?

This is important because I want to upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu 

Best Regards,

Paul Romero


Paul Romero
RCOM Communications Software
EMAIL: paulr at rcom-software.com
PHONE: (510)482-2769

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