Packaging specifically for Ubuntu

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Mon Mar 16 10:09:11 UTC 2020


On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 10:44:38AM +0100, Sepi Gair wrote:
> I'm preparing some new packages for the Debian distro. My packages are
> made for XTRX SDR support. Some of them are currently in Debian's new
> queue. This queue is pretty slow however I want to see my packages in
> the next LTS release of Ubuntu.

Thank you for caring for your packages in Ubuntu!

Unfortunately the next LTS release of Ubuntu is already beyond feature
freeze. See and

However, the release team may be willing to accept entirely new packages
on the basis that they usually carry minimal risk to the archive. See for details on how to ask
for this. However you will need a feature freeze exception review,
sponsorship review, and source and binary NEW reviews, and it's already
late, so there's no guarantee this will happen on time. If you want to
try, I'd start with all of this without delay.

> So does packaging specifically for Ubuntu make any sense for my task?
> I'll appreciate any advice about making this possible.

Yes - it's fine and normal to upload to Ubuntu ahead of Debian NEW
review in order to make an Ubuntu release. The Ubuntu archive admins do
have to prioritise though - since the cost to do this is duplicating the
review that Debian would otherwise have done.


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