[Ubuntu Studio] Cry For Help

Erich Eickmeyer eeickmeyer at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 2 22:19:27 UTC 2019

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 11:54 AM, Erich Eickmeyer 
<eeickmeyer at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> [Sent to: Ubuntu Studio Development, Ubuntu MOTUs, Ubuntu Release 
> Team]
> Hello all,
> Over the course of the past few months, myself, Len Ovens, and Ross 
> Gammon have been working hard on updating the Ubuntu Studio tools. In 
> particluar, we have done a number of things to the tools:
> * Updated Ubuntu Studio Controls (ubuntustudio-controls) with a 
> number of bug fixes
> * Renamed Ubuntu Studio Meta Installer to Ubuntu Studio Installer 
> (ubuntustudio-installer) and gave it a secondary purpose of 
> installing Ubuntu Studio's stack on top of a flavor other than Ubuntu 
> Studio (think of Ubuntu Studio as a ToolKit)
> * Updated Ubuntu Studio's default theme and icon theme (part of 
> ubuntustudio-look and ubuntustudio-default-settings in addition to 
> ubuntustudio-icon-theme)
> * Updated Ubuntu Studio's plymouth boot theme (part of 
> ubuntustudio-look)
> * Added a GRUB theme (grub2-themes-ubuntustudio)
> * Fixed bugs and missing apps in our menu (ubuntustudio-menu)
> * Worked upstream with the developer of Carla to get Carla in 
> Ubuntu's repos.
> Unfortunately, none of that made it in before feature freeze, despite 
> my mailing our development list that it needed to happen, and tagging 
> certain packages with [needs packaging]. Perhaps I'm just doing it 
> wrong.
> Basically, it comes down to this: Nobody on the Ubuntu Studio Team 
> has upload privileges in any way. As such, these tools are sitting 
> waiting to be uploaded.
> So now, unless I'm wrong, each one of the packages now needs a 
> Feature Freeze Exception to be uploaded into the repo. This is 
> disappointing because, as of right now, Ubuntu Studio 19.04 is 
> looking identical to Ubuntu Studio 18.10.
> My intention was to apply to become a MOTU after the release of 19.04 
> in order to prevent situations like this from happening again. 
> Unfortunately, it looks like that will be too late unless we can get 
> someone to get in and review these packages:
> * <https://launchpad.net/grub2-themes-ubuntustudio>
> * <https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls>
> * <https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-installer>
> * <https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-icon-theme>
> * <https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-look>
> * <https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-menu>
> * <https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-default-settings>
> * <https://launchpad.net/carla>
> So, please take this as our cry for help to get these packages 
> updated and included. I don't know how to do this, and I've never 
> been shown the process. So, maybe my MOTU training sarts here.
> Thank you for your time, and in advance for your help.
> ----
> Erich Eickmeyer
> Council Chair
> Ubuntu Studio
> ubuntustudio.org
Bug reports are as follows: 1816673, 1818372, 1818368, 1818369, 
1818370, 1818366, 1809024, 1818373

I realize that at least two of these are going to require FFe's, and 
the one for the GRUB theme looks recent because I had to re-upload the 
git repo due to an error Launchpad was having with grabbing the 
existing repo.

I'd appreciate help with this.


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