
Mike Foshee mwfoshee at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 18:35:32 UTC 2016

I was advised to ask you guys about this from a forum where I was seeking
help using Cjackctl.

@mwfoshee: you need to get an updated version of JACK on your system (and
complain to the JACK packagers on your distro if one is not available). The
problem with the -T flag was fixed at least one year ago in Jack2 (the one
you have installed) and it is absurd that users should have to face this
issue today.

My version is 0.3.10 the current version of Cjackctl, qjackctl-0.4.1 is
available for download here <http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/#Downloads>

I've tried installing it myself to no avail so any help from you guys would
be greatly appreciated.

Mike Foshee
Foshee Brothers Land Surveying/Clearwater Development

mwfoshee at gmail.com
*http://arlandsurveyor.com <http://arlandsurveyor.com>*
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