
Logan Rosen logan at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 9 22:08:03 UTC 2014


On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Andreas Moog <andreas.moog at warperbbs.de>
> Besides, you don't need to specify both autotools-dev and autoreconf,
> using the
> latter will also upgrade config.guess/sub as needed (if the autotools-dev
> package is installed.)

This is unfortunately not always the case. dh-autoreconf won't update
config.{sub,guess} if automake or libtool are not being used, as discussed
in Debian Bug #698765
<https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=698765>. A telltale sign
that it won't update config.{sub,guess}, at least in my experience, is when
there is no call to "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE" in configure.{ac,in}.

Just a slight caveat. :)

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