ubuntu community update policy (in particulat drupal7)

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 5 16:50:06 UTC 2014

On Tue, Aug 05, 2014 at 12:44:13PM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > This is a fundamental difference between main and universe. There may be
> > a case for an exception in the case of particular packages (bitcoin is a
> > recent example), but in the general case I don't think it makes sense to
> > not offer the packages. Users have a choice as to what they do right
> > now, and also have the choice of contributing fixes. Removing packages
> > takes that choice away.
> No.  The difference is that for Universe there is generally not someone with an 
> @canonical.com address paying attention to them.  There are plenty of Universe 
> packages that are well maintained and updated.  Some by Canonical people and 
> some by others.  While there is some correlation between Main/Universe and 
> package maintenance, it's not as close as you might think.

Right - what I mean is that there exists an assurance that all packages
in main are looked after by Canonical staff for security updates. This
assurance doesn't exist in universe. I didn't mean to suggest that
some universe packages aren't looked after - just that there isn't such
a sweeping global assurance of it.

> > Instead, users can always opt to not install universe packages (eg.
> > remove it from sources.list). There's also an argument for not having
> > universe enabled by default, but I think that a decision was made a long
> > time ago before I was around on this point. I guess it could always be
> > revisited, but would probably be one for the technical board to make a
> > final decision on.
> No.  We have one set of sources.list for all of Ubuntu right now.  Many flavors 
> provide packages from Universe, so this would break things and be hard to 
> implement sanely.

I was thinking of server - presuming that drupal is primarily run on
server installations. Perhaps this assumption is wrong - but it should
be fine to disable universe on a server without breaking anything, right?

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