Correct way to support bugfixes/packge updates

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Jun 13 12:41:33 UTC 2013

lst_hoe02 at wrote:

>Zitat von Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at>:
>> lst_hoe02 at wrote:
>>> Zitat von Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at>:
>>>> On Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:09:19 AM lst_hoe02 at wrote:
>>>>> Hello Masters,
>>>>> we use some packages from "universe" repository for which we like
>>>>> push updates/bugfixes. Until now we have re-build some of these
>>>>> our own use to get long standing bugs fixed, but IMHO it would be
>>>>> better to fix the package in the repo so others get the fixes
>>>>> Can someone explain what is the preferred way to for example get
>>> bugs
>>>>> fixed in the cyrus package?
>>>>> Can we help to prepare a merge of the actual source in the
>>>>> ubuntu/debian build?
>>>>> Who should be contacted to get something included?
>>>>> Thanks for any comments
>>>> If you can prepare a debdiff (see the debdiff program in the
>>> devscripts
>>>> package), file a bug against the package in Launchpad that explains
>>> the
>>>> problem, then attach the debdiff to the bug and subscribe the
>>> ubuntu-sponsors
>>>> team to the bug, someone from that team will review it for upload
>>> the
>>>> Ubuntu archive.
>>>> Scott K
>>> Thanks,
>>> is it also possible to get "in-sync" with official sources somehow
>>> because there are at least 5 bugs we are concerned that are fixed on
>>> the way from cyrus 2.4.12 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to the latest 2.4.17
>>> source distribution. As far as i understand debdiff this is per-bug
>>> and therefore will miss the ~30 other bugs for example if we only
>>> our 5 top priorities? Or is it possible/recommended to use debdiff
>>> go from 2.4.12 -> 2.4.17 ?
>>> I'm aware that this is not possible for the "main" repository, but i
>>> don't know if this also apply to "universe".
>> The rules are the same.
>> If you can find the upstream commits and cherrypick them, we can  
>> take a debdiff for those.
>> Scott K
>Sorry for asking dumb question but "upstream" you mean the source  
>commits of the project (cyrus) or Debian changes for the same package?
>I have until now not worked with distribution packaging so this is not 
>really obvious to me.

It could be either. In this case Cyrus. 

Scott K

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