To fix a typo.

John Kim johnkim.ubuntu at
Fri Aug 17 05:02:35 UTC 2012


I'm a new contributor to motu, ready to fix a typo in a package.

There is a typo error <> in the package
Notice that suggests has 8.5, though the "suggested for increased
functionality" has 8.4. I want to fix this typo.

Using BugFixingInitiatives as my guide, I see two ways to tackle this.

   1. Fix the typo within the terminal.  What was the tool that allows text
   editing directly within the terminal.
   2. "Edit the control file" - The control file from the latest Pidgin
   package shows this <> for
   libpurple0.  The two files are different.  What and how should I edit?

Thanks very much. Some guidance will be very much appreciated.
John Kim
Ubuntu enthusiast
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