Concerned about the large number of packages that FTBFS.

Iulian Udrea iulian at
Fri Sep 10 18:33:30 BST 2010

Hello fellow developers,

It seems that the number of fails to build from source has unfortunately
increased.  Looking at it appears that
there are 18 packages that FTBFS in the main component, 268 in universe
and 11 in multiverse.

The Not Build from Source (NBS) list is much longer than it used to be in
the previous cycles.  Have a look at As Colin said in the
meeting today, every file that has size 0 is ready for removal and shouldn't
need to be worried about.

We've got only a few weeks left until Maverick is released and we should
definitely shorten both lists.

If you either have a package ready to be uploaded which fixes a FTBFS and
don't have upload privileges for it or have any enquries regarding one or
lists, please don't hesitate to poke me on IRC.

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