About strange ftbfs of python-coverage on the buildds

Michael Bienia michael at bienia.de
Wed Oct 20 16:30:19 BST 2010

On 2010-10-20 20:44:07 +0530, Bhavani Shankar R wrote:
> bhavani at bhavani-desktop:~$ apt-cache policy pkgbinarymangler
> pkgbinarymangler:
>   Installed: 77
>   Candidate: 77

This looks like you installed it in your system and not the pbuilder
chroot. Login into your pbuilder (pbuilder-dist natty login) and check

You might need to do:
pbuilder-dist natty login --save-after-login
apt-get install pkgbinarymangler (this is *inside* the pbuilder)

(Replace "pbuilder-dist natty" with whatever you use to access your


PS: I've checked that I can reproduce this FTBFS with my natty pbuilder.

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