Future of MOTU

Johan De Taeye johan_de_taeye at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 23 18:27:25 GMT 2010

>>We get far more package submissions than we can review every cycle. I generally recommend getting 
>>your package into Debian and then it will be sync'ed into Ubuntu. There are a lot more developers in Debian. 

But, could this be documented? 
When people submit their package they know what they are up to.
It'ld avoid people (like me) trying to learn the process, uploading their package in good faith and getting (a bit) frustrated.

I fully understand and appreciate all the work the team is doing.
Just trying to be positive and see how things can be improved...


From: Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com>
To: ubuntu-motu at lists.ubuntu.com
Sent: Tue, 23 March, 2010 11:25:16
Subject: Re: Future of MOTU

"Brian J Mingus" <Brian.Mingus at Colorado.EDU> wrote:

>On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 3:02 AM, jdetaeye <jdetaeye at users.sourceforge.net>wrote:
>> >>With REVU, there is a problem if it takes to long to get a package
>> reviewed.
>> It takes too long, no "if" statement required.
>> A quick look at the current list of review backlog is devastating:
>> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/.
>> People wait for more than a year to get their contribution reviewed.
>> The tools and the intention of the REVU process are right. But if
>> there aren't any reviewers working on the list, the process will
>> remain broken.
>> >>The uploaders become unmotivated and disappear. The package is left in
>> the
>> >>"needs work" state, and that list is even longer than the "needs review"
>> list.
>> Add me in this category: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/frepple
>> Johan
>Yeah I'm on that list. I asked on REVU, in IRC, on this list and on
>Launchpad and I couldn't any MOTU to care one iota about my package. If
>there was even anyone in the process who cared they would have at least
We get far more package submissions than we can review every cycle. I generally recommend getting your package into Debian and then it will be sync'ed into Ubuntu. There are a lot more developers in Debian. 

Scott K

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