Please do not tell people interested in working on Qt/KDE apps in?Universe #ubuntu-motu is the wrong channel

Steve Beattie sbeattie at
Wed Jun 16 19:56:21 BST 2010

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 01:44:39PM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> The conversation didn't start with "help me with this package". It
> started with "I want to be a MOTU".
> My read is someone who said they wanted to become a MOTU was sent away
> and that's not very Ubuntu. #kubuntu-devel is not the best channel
> for people that want to be MOTU.

No, but it *is* a place for someone who wants to work on Qt/KDE
packaging to coordinate their efforts with people who are also
focused on Qt/KDE packaging. I didn't read it as "please leave
#ubuntu-motu" but rather, "here's a suggested place to go (in addition
to #ubuntu-motu) to get in contact with people who have more knowledge
of the specific idioms of the package you're looking at", but perhaps
I'm extending the benefit of the doubt too generously.

I would hope that we encourage MOTU members to coordinate their efforts
in specific areas with people who are already working in those areas.

Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at>
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