LuaRocks package out of date

Morten Kjeldgaard mok at
Thu Oct 29 09:45:33 GMT 2009

On 26/10/2009, at 23.49, Linus Sjögren wrote:

> I would just like to notify you, as maintainers of the package  
> 'luarocks' on the Ubuntu universe repo, that the version 2.0 is the  
> latest one available.
> Please push that version to the repos.

The luarocks source package is sync'ed unchanged from Debian unstable  
and compiled for Ubuntu. Your request therefore belongs with the  
Debian maintainer of the package [0].

I've forwarded a copy of your email to him, so there's probably no  
need for you to do more.



Morten Kjeldgaard <mok0 at>
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
GPG Key ID: 404825E7

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