upstream Source patches and patch systems

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Wed Oct 7 09:40:53 BST 2009

fabrice <coutadeurf at> writes:

> let me rephrase it this way:
> - if modification has already been done, stick to what the Debian
> maintainer or Ubuntu is already doing. That mean use the existing patch
> system, if any, or modify directly the source if some modifications has
> already been done, but do not add a patch system.

IOW don't convert the patch-system currently in use

> - if it's a Debian package and no previous modifications has been done,
> modify directly the source, and do not introduce a patch system

IOW don't convert the patch-system currently in use (it is 'none' in
this case)

> - if it's an Ubuntu (-0ubuntuX) package and no previous modifications
> has been done, adding a patch system is preferred

May I ask why?

Espc. since uploads are auto-imported these days into a bzr branch, and
earlier revisions of the package are available via launchpad, I
personally prefer to not introduce one.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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