CIM/WBEM packages (SBLIM) - call to advocate

Ancoron Luciferis ancoron at
Fri Nov 27 11:39:00 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Hi Guillaume,

I didn't realize that they made it into Karmic, but I just saw them
right after I wrote my mail. Sorry that I forgot them. But the problem
remains the same that there are just too few providers.

Just providing a very basic set isn't enough to compete with the other
distributions and as the OpenDRIM providers also depend on SFCB it
shouldn't matter which provider set we provide as long as the enterprise
users get what they need/want.

Also I could additionally start to package the other OpenDRIM providers
if that is officially preferred but I stuck to the SBLIM implementation
until now because SFCB is available since Intrepid and their providers
are confirmed to work and at least bug reports are available and bugs
get fixed by upstream devs rather quickly.

In addition it is nice that there's an alternative. Alternatives are
always a good thing. However as OpenDRIM is a rather new project
(compared to SBLIM) I think SBLIM providers should be preferred for now
in terms of security and stability.

I also miss some upstream documentation about the matching management
profiles of the providers and the providers doesn't even have a
ChangeLog file to track upstream changes automatically.

This is true for some of the newer providers from SBLIM too but at least
they made it into a variety of distributions including RedHat and Suse
for years so I would consider them rather stable.

What do you think?

The work I have done until now and the time I spent shouldn't be wasted.
In my PPA I have the following additional providers:


Others are coming soon. As I have a lot of spare time in the next weeks
I would really like to concentrate on packaging to get the last bits in
the right place.

I will take a closer look at the OpenDRIM providers and see how they work.

If we focus on OpenDRIM we should also take another CIM broker as it
doesn't make sense to provide nice GPL'ed providers when there is no
GPL'ed broker available.

Best regards,


Guillaume Bottex wrote:
> Ancoron, are you aware of the existence of other CIM providers in Karmic
> called OpenDRIM ?
> Regards
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