python-biopython-sql package

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at
Wed Mar 25 23:16:41 GMT 2009


I am one of the Biopython developers, and am also a Ubuntu user.  It
is great that you guys package this all up for our Debian and Ubuntu
Biopython users - thanks you.

I've just noticed that the name and description of the
python-biopython-sql  package is rather misleading, e.g. see
(or the description shown in Synaptic Package Manager):

> python-biopython-sql
> SQL support for the Biopython library
> This is the python2.2 version of the Biopython-SQL library which provides support for SQL.

Its probably a bad idea to change the package name now, but I would
have called it python-biopython-biosql. Also it isn't tied to Python
2.2 in any way.  My suggestion:

> python-biopython-sql
> Biopython support for the BioSQL database schema
> This is the Biopython interface to a BioSQL database (see
> for details).  BioPerl, BioJava and BioRuby also provide their own BioSQL
> interfaces onto the same shared SQL schema.

It would also be nice if all the python-biopython-sql package
webpages/metadata could include (in addition to on the "External Resources" section.


(on behalf of Biopython)

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