
Bouie de Klerk bouiek at iburst.co.za
Tue Mar 10 17:49:39 GMT 2009



I do apologize if this the wrong group to ask. If so please direct me.


I come from M$ development environment, but would very much like to acquaint
myself with Linux Ubuntu development. I believe I have much to learn of
Linux environment and development. I have been developing win software using
Borland Delphi 5, not interested in .net. 


My first question would be, what dev tool/language you would suggest I look
at first, would suit me best coming from Delphi. I do not want to waist
anybodies valuable time joining the MOTO, at least not until I can be of
benefit to the group. I would like to, in time, become a member and
contribute to this excellent environment.


Can you please also direct me to a group that can help/guide me to where I
can learn more of the basic Linux environment? To get acquainted with Linux.


I have and Intel core 2 due, installed Ubuntu 8.10, both i386 and amd64


A million thanks for all the help I can get.



Bouie de Klerk



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