i got it sorry

Angel Rapallo arapallodaily at bellsouth.net
Fri Jun 19 00:34:16 BST 2009

I got it it is under accesories, i could have
swear it was under preferencesor admin before
in 8.04.

anyway thanks a lot

now there is just one glich with VNC and
and the xtra visual effects , cant usee them
when using VNC....oh well........
this ubuntu 9.04 is much better 
i would say..it is faster and smoother
even in my old dell laptop...

i run windows Vista and XP on some other machines
and connect them using Samba..it works very well.
I think Linux has come a long way from the days
i used to program in Unix.....Microsoft has a
big problem in their hands..........

i am a windows programmer but cant close my
eyes to what is happenig..
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