Improving process of MOTU SRU requests that are no change rebuilds

Dave Walker DaveWalker at
Thu Jul 30 11:27:26 BST 2009

Luca Falavigna wrote:
> Steve Kowalik ha scritto:
>> How often is this actually the case that is required to change the
>> process? I would have thought that SRUs in general would not general
>> rebuilds (I'm ignoring clamav, because it's thpecial).
> One of the example is apache2-mpm-itk, which depends on
> ${apache:Depends}, and it needs a rebuild when a security/SRU upload of
> apache2 is made.
> With my experience in motu-sru, I remember requests were mainly for
> packages in NBS list not managed in time for the release.

Well i opened the bug for the recent apache2-mpm-itk rebuild (#394696),
provided a trivial changelog debdiff and attempted to go through the SRU
process.  It was then rebuilt as a -security update (even thought it was
just a rebuild), therefore not relevant to motu-sru.  I mentioned to the
uploader that he didn't reference the bug in the changelog (therefore
closing), he wasn't aware the bug existed.

Therefore, as a workflow process - there wasn't really any point (in
that instance) of raising the bug, as clearly the fault was being
tracked another method.

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker

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