Improving process of MOTU SRU requests that are no change rebuilds

Steve Kowalik stevenk at
Tue Jul 28 07:00:20 BST 2009

Cody A.W. Somerville wrote:
>  I'd like to discuss possibly modifying the MOTU SRU process to allow a
> wider group of individuals the ability to approve MOTU SRU requests that are
> simply no change rebuilds. From my experience on the motu-sru team, I've
> made a few observations: ~99.99% of rebuild requests pose minimal levels of
> risk; if a MOTU requests a rebuild he or she is usually involved in
> maintaining the package in question; and frequently the reason the rebuild
> is necessary is because of another SRU or security update (ex.
> xulrunner-1.9).
>  So in the spirit of making life easier for everyone, I'd like to propose
> allowing all MOTUs the ability to approve SRU requests that are no change
> rebuilds. Optionally, we could also require that the MOTU approving must not
> be the MOTU requesting.
>  Thoughts, Feedback?

How often is this actually the case that is required to change the
process? I would have thought that SRUs in general would not general
rebuilds (I'm ignoring clamav, because it's thpecial).

<bob2> joy hasn't spoken on IRC in 45 seconds, he must be MIA!

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