motu-release team needs members

Stefan Potyra stefan.potyra at
Wed Jan 28 11:20:18 GMT 2009


first of all thanks a lot, Cesare, for your efforts within the motu-release 

Now looking that [1], I see that we've only 3 members left, so I guess 
motu-release could need at least one or better yet two more members.

Now I completely forgot what the policy to add more members to key teams was, 
but I vaguely recall that it started with asking for applicants on this list. 
So that's what I'm doing right now.

If you know the impact of upgrades at late stages, don't shy away from reading 
changelogs and patches, also have the ability to make unliked decisions like 
rejecting freeze exceptions, then motu-release needs you. Please send in your 
application as reply to this thread.

[1]: <>
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