All hands on deck! It's REVU day!

Kjeldgaard Morten mok at
Thu Jan 22 23:28:18 GMT 2009


It's Friday, Jan 23, 2009 and it's REVU day!

We need all MOTUs on deck! A similar plea was sent out last week, but  
to not much avail. We really need MOTUs to go and make at least one  
review. This week we have ~128 packages waiting for review. That's an  
increase of > 15% in a week!  The REVU regulars can't keep up with  
that growth.

As I wrote last week,  each upload deserves at  least _one_ review. If  
it after that gets stuck in "needs-work" status,
so be it. Perhaps someone else will come along later and care for it.

Come along on #ubuntu-motu,  get a friendly chat and brush up on your  
rusty reviewing skills!


Morten Kjeldgaard <mok0 at>
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
GPG Key ID: 404825E7

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