Call for MOTU Council Nominations

Emmet Hikory persia at
Wed Jan 21 17:20:46 GMT 2009

Fellow Developers,
    Daniel Holbach's term in the MOTU Council will be coming to a
close next month, and it is time for us to proceed with the selection
process to determine who shall hold that seat.  We will be following
the same process as used previously (0), and would like to ask the
development community to submit any candidate nominations for
potential members to the MOTU Council for consideration: such
nominations may be made via public or private email, IRC, telephone,
personal conversation, or any other communication method you choose
(1), to any current MOTU Council Member.  Daniel has volunteered to
serve another term, if there is such interest, and has been
pre-nominated as a candidate.

    To facilitate the completion of the selection process in a timely
manner, we'd like to ask that all nominations be made in advance of
12:00 UTC 5th February.  We hope to announce the set of candidates
during the following week, and have an open poll starting from roughly
12th February.

1: Implementation of RFC 1149 may not meet the deadline: please choose
a method that allows confirmation of receipt of the nomination prior
to the closure date.


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