ubuntu flashplugin-nonfree

Eduardo Cereto Carvalho eduardocereto at gmail.com
Wed May 7 20:31:20 BST 2008

Hi Sebastian,

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Sebastian Marketsmueller
<smarkets at adobe.com> wrote:
>  - is there some way we can help you with your own deb, stuff that makes
>  things easier for you?

It would be nice to have a 64bit version. Currently ubuntu has to
install some 32libs in order to make flash work on 64bit systems, and
that looks complicated. I'm not expert on this and don't know how hard
it would be to have a 64bit version. But it sure would be awesome.

Eduardo Cereto Carvalho

key: 0xFFFE6B74

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