ipod-convenience minor bug

Anntoin anntoin at gmail.com
Fri May 2 03:57:24 BST 2008

I don't know if this will get to the right person (new to this), but
anyway. Was able to sync to my ipod touch (1.1.2) using this tutorial:

However I was getting a directory not found error when trying to mount
the ipod. After checking the troubleshooting section I noticed in the
Firmware 1.1.3 section a suggestion to edit mount-umount. The line was
different than that in the tutorial;

 #Mount our Music Directory
 #work around if its 1.1.3+
 if ssh root@$IPADDRESS test -d /var/mobile; then
 	sshfs root@$IPADDRESS:/var/mobile/Media $MOUNTPOINT/ -o
	sshfs root@$IPADDRESS:/var/root/Media $MOUNTPOINT/ -o workaround=rename

The directory not found error I was having was to: /var/mobile/Media

Removing the test for 1.1.3 (as my ipod is 1.1.2) solved the problem.

Thanks to whoever put this together. Finally able to listen to all the
music that was stuck on my laptop :)


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