Oh my.....

Leo Cacciari leo.cacciari at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 11:21:44 GMT 2008

Wow, my first patch to a ubuntu package made its way to release... 

mmm-mode (0.4.8-4ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low

  * changed Depends field in debian/control.  (LP: #152348)
  * changed Maintainer field, since this is a ubuntu modified package.

 -- Leo Cacciari <leo.cacciari at gmail.com>   Sat, 13 Oct 2007 18:08:44

I'm surely no MOTU, but couldn't I be master of some planet then? Event
a little one... Well, a moon... an asteroid? Came on, a little asteroid
without a name.... ;)

Leo 'TheHobbit' Cacciari

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