Stable Release Update Regression/Build Problem

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Jun 24 14:23:16 BST 2008

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 07:24:59AM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> Another related issue is the question of running with *-proposed enabled 
> versus installation  of single packages from proposed.  This package could 
> have only passed verififcation if *-proposed was enabled on the system in 
> question.
> While running with *-proposed enabled may have some benefit for regression 
> detection, I don't think it is suitable for SRU verification.  Generally, I 
> the verification should be against *-release and *-updates without other 
> packages from *-proposed.  It is feasible to mechanize installability 
> checks, but more subtle package interactions need to be explored during the 
> verification process.

Agreed, it's sensible to test the update in the same environment to which it
is about to be deployed.

> Unless someone objects, I'll update the SRU process to reflect this 
> requirement.

I don't object to the proposed change in itself, but I think changes to that
process should go through the SRU team first.

 - mdz

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