motu-sru extension

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Wed Jun 4 01:33:27 BST 2008

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 4:16 AM, Michael Bienia <michael at>

> On 2008-06-01 04:44:55 +0200, Stefan Potyra wrote:
> > looks, like we need two members (follow-ups to [1]), but that might be
> subject
> > to discussion.
> As I had to go out and look after one ~motu-sru member to get my SRUs
> ACKed, I'd like to hear from the remaining ~motu-sru members how many
> new members should be added to the team to get it operational again.

Well, I think the minimum would probably be 3 because it's hard to keep a
consistent and varied group otherwise and I probably wouldn't go more than 6
or 7 because communication becomes more difficult and productivity tends to
go down due to "anonymity". When  it's a fairly small team you know you have
to contribute to the team and there's more investment in the team. However,
when a team gets large each member's part shrinks and they can tend to get
disinterested. But again, this really is really a function of the dynamics
of the team and there are ways to effectively use large teams too (having a
team lead with subteam works on specific task, or expanding the team's

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