REVU Keychain Problems

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Thu Jan 17 23:32:03 GMT 2008

On Jan 18, 2008 1:52 AM, Matt T. Proud wrote:
> It appears that I am unable to upload to REVU and have my items
> enqueued due to my GPG key not being listed or something to that
> effect. I had originally submitted it months ago and had redone it
> through that Launchpad group several days ago, and nothing appears to
> have happened. This is my assumption for the problem, because I can
> get a password reminder for my personal account of years ago but not
> for this current e-mail address.

    This occurs when there as not been a keyring sync between joining
the contributors group and uploading to REVU.  I have just processed a
sync, so your new account should be working again.

> p.s. - My key is to expire soon. Will the procedure for getting a new
> key into the system be any more intuitive when that comes around? It'd
> be really nice if the system just scraped Launchpad data and little
> user intervention would be required.

    I'd recommend extending your expiry date rather than generating a
new key, if you remain confident your key has not been compromised.
If you do have a new key, just request a keyring sync in #ubuntu-motu
once LP has your new key details.


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