MOTU Council election

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Fri Jan 11 06:22:16 GMT 2008

Hello everybody,

in yesterday's Community Council meeting the new process for the
election of Team Council members was agreed on. It's documented on the page.

Andrew Mitchell and Daniel T. Chen both have left the MOTU Council and
I'd like to express my thanks to both of them: you've been on the
council from the very beginning on and your work and experience shaped
the MC of today. All the best to both of you!

We are looking for two new members on the council. If you are a MOTU and
you think you have what it takes to 

      * approve new MOTU members 
      * resolve conflict in the team 
      * help to shape new and better ways of working together 
      * help to keep a friendly and productive atmosphere in the team

mail a member of the MC (
and let them know. If you want to nominate somebody else, that's fine -
just make sure they are willing to stand for election.

Please send in nominations until Friday 18th 12:00 UTC.

Have a nice day,
 Your MC

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