Battle Tanks in Ubuntu 8.04 need update.

Barry deFreese bddebian at
Mon Jan 7 15:07:12 GMT 2008

Daniel Holbach wrote:
> On So, 2008-01-06 at 03:49 +0200, Коржевин Дмитрий Константинович wrote:
>> Battle Tanks in Ubuntu 8.04 need update. In Hardy Heron we have
>> 0.5.4740-2 
>> and at official site we can see version 0.7.5800
> Can you file a bug at
> instead and tag it
> as 'upgrade'? (if 'btanks' is the package you're talking about)
> Have a nice day,
>  Daniel
Btanks has just been updated in Debian Games Team SVN and should 
hopefully get uploaded soon, so we should be able to sync with Debian.


Barry deFreese

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